Day 2 Starts With Another Hiccup

Corn, Corn, and More Corn

We woke up this morning after a VERY rainy night. The rain is very loud in the Vegas, but we were so tired from a long Day 1 that we both slept very well. It was a laid back morning; Mike cooked breakfast (yum!), I cleaned up the RV a bit, Vlade got to go for a short walk with Mike. Perfect first morning on the road!

Then we drove off and the motion of the RV revealed an issue. Sitting in the passenger seat, I was being dripped on from above the window next to me. It started as a few slow drips, then they were non-stop.

Ugh. A leak!

Obviously, water damage is not something anyone wants to deal with, so we weren’t happy. But we went into this knowing we will have issues (although we hoped the issues wouldn’t be DAILY), and knowing we have to stay flexible, calm, and patient. So we did.

The map app brought up one RV Service place about 22 miles away, on our way to our next stop. They answered right away and could get us in at 1:30 (it was noon by now). They were super helpful and confirmed the window needed to be recaulked. About 20 minutes and $20 later, we are back on the road. So glad it wasn’t more serious. Phew!

Today we landed in Newton, Iowa on a farm. It’s out in the middle of nowhere about 40 miles from Des Moines. We have been very surprised that Iowa is hilly and beautiful so far, as we pictured it very flat and wondered if it might be a more boring part of the drive. The farm is beautiful with corn as far as you can see (see top picture).

We had a relaxing evening. We went into town and grabbed some pizza and sat outside at a brewery to eat it. Newton is a tiny town. The brewery was okay, but not our type of beer. We visited a bit with another couple who was also camped for the night. They had a Little Guy camper that was the new version of the T@B we used to have. Man, I loved that camper, but am SO glad to have more space!

Sitting outside, facing the corn, watching the fireflies… that was a great night.

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2 Responses

  1. Molly says:

    Hey you two, what a great idea to stay on farms! Where did you find information about doing that? Sounds like you are easing nicely into the RV life! And yes, patience is a virtue, as glitches will happen when rv-Ing. Sure do enjoy reading this blog!

  2. Aia says:

    This is a great idea. So enjoyable to read about your adventures! I didn’t know Iowa was hilly either.